how to bring back lost love |
Be Good
to Yourself While You Heal
When you lose someone or something very valuable to you,
grief can be intense. Pain, sad memories and unanswered questions can persuade
you. You may even think that you will never be the same - that you will never
laugh again and stay more completely. Take the heart - although there is no way
to cry without pain, there are healthy ways to complain that allow you to
progress constructively. Do not settle for a life of exhausted joy - work
through your loss and, slowly but surely, you are going to be better.
Stop Resisting and Trying to Control Everything
When the pain of loss occurs, it's like a lighting bolt and
shakes the foundations of the ground. We question everything: our identity, who
we are, where we come from and where we are going. It is possible to get to the
unknown.By accepting that we no longer control what is happening to us, we
realize that what we once knew we can no longer know. In fact, much of the
spiritual experience is to realize everything we are not, and less of what we
think we are or what we know.Here, there is great freedom. And that helps us to
face the adversity of life with courage, head on.
Forget your love.. ( but Be happy)
I believe you can be happy and miserable at the same time.
Confused? If the love of my life had deprived me, I spent every second of my
day in misery. I have connected my happiness with him, and without him, I have
assumed that he would be equal to eternal misery. What it was, until little by
little I noticed that there are things that made me happy. Life goes on. A
little smile here, a bit of laughter over there, and before I knew it, I was
actually happy for a brief moment.
- 4. don’t Feel Broken is the
Key to Feeling Whole( don’t feel sad)
I have been broken several times
in my life. I had the life of the blows that hit me on the ground. The pain and
feelings of despair and despair have consumed my life for many months. I was
wondering if I would survive this, or if I lived a life where I felt happy and
safe. Slowly, over time, my life improved and I became stronger.
Now, when I look back, I realize
that these events, although they were painful at the time, were the catalysts
for me to change my life. Now I live my life by doing what I love: writing,
speaking and coaching.
Yourself When You're Going Through A Breakup
We went through dark and
depressing time after breaking your heart by someone you thought was the love
of your life.And if you're something like me, you're over-analyzing the whole
situation, heading in the lead on everything that's happened.
But now I realized that no matter
how much detail and no matter how your relationship and your breakup have gone,
the consequences will still be painful and confusing.
- 6.
Stop Beating Yourself Up for Messing Up
Many people let this voice
improve. They let go of control to the point where, instead of being a good
moral compass, it becomes a guilty stroke of tyrannical proportions. This hurts
the place of the helpers. But why did we let this happen?
Stay In Your Own Life don’t compare yourself to
We live in a society, which often means that we end up
comparing ourselves to others. Am I prettier than she is? Are we making more
money than they do? Is he a better father than I am? Comparing yourself to
others can easily become a habit; And an incredibly destructive one about
it.Why do you compare yourself to others when you are unique? This may sound
like a cliché, but the truth is that there is no one else who is exactly like
you. Comparing yourself to others is dishonoring your uniqueness and your
Be Proud.. Don’t feel Embarrassed
Just as some people are shy and others impolite, some people
are easily embarrassed by circumstances that would not bother anyone. They are
very worried about the impression they are making. It is a sensitivity that
underlies a number of anxiety disorders, especially social phobias.
Probably everyone can imagine a particular situation in
which he or she would feel embarrassed - although, strangely, these situations
differ from one person to another. Some people seem to be immune to the kind of
embarrassment that would affect virtually everyone in this situation.
Give Up The Idea It Might Work Out Eventually
Another thing that is very important is that you will have
to give up the idea that things could work, over time. Yes, none of us know
what will happen in the future. But that does not mean that you should use this
as an argument to contain hope. Perhaps the one who is gone realizes what they
lack and returns, but do not cling to such a stupid guardian of hope. Start
swimming. Concentrate on this moment. They left. So act as if they were gone
and not wait for them to come back. If, for some reason, they return, let
yourself be surprised. In the meantime, live your life.
Have Faith In The Great Weirdness Of Life
"Be confident in the great strange life and believe
that your future will surprise you." Let the promise of this premise help
you to move forward Do not wait for the future You always have to go out and do
things to find the Love and the happiness you deserve, but believe that you
never know what tomorrow holds in his hands, and move with avid and open eyes
towards the rising sun of a new dawn and perhaps you will have The future will
always surprise you Sometimes it's a shit and you'll find sorrows waiting
around the turn Sometimes the surprise is more formidable than you'd conceived.
Share your feelings with others
When feelings are shared by our self, they are used as a
means of manipulation and control. The message behind the above sharing of
feelings is, "I'm angry, angry or hurt, and that's your fault. You are
responsible for my feelings. Your unacceptable behavior is the cause of my
painful feelings. "
We take care of ourselves and other people when we share our
feelings with the intention is to learn from ourselves and others, or simply to
give information. For example, if you say, "I am very upset with what you
have done, and there must be a good reason why you did it. Can we talk about
it? Instead of being the victim of the other person's behavior, you are
interested in understanding the situation, or you could say, "I am really
angry with you, I do not want to get you out of it. So I'll go for a walk and
see if I can succeed. In this case, you are committed to becoming aware of your
own feelings, your own reactions and simply giving the other person information
about your behavior.
Realize that you cannot turn back the hands of
The past is actually the past and, even if you want you to
go back and do things differently, it will not happen. Do not waste your future
by thinking about what could have been. Think about what can and will be.
If you are not able to forget your love even with these tips, and still you want to return it to your life again, then you can contact our
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