What are the problems of inter caste marriage and how to get rid of all problems

India is a secular country. If you are Indian you can choose any kind of religion. On the name of religion people are divided into four categories like Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Islam and these categories are divided into sub categories like Brahmins, kshatriyas vasishys and the shudras. Therefore in India people are not equal, caste based differences create major problem in inter-cast marriage. Only 5% marriages are inter-caste in India because people don’t want to move beyond their caste and religion. If someone wants to get marry inter caste it would be against the rule of caste because the caste system disallow to get marry outside the caste. Inter caste marriage is major problem for our youngster. Inter caste marriage where two youngsters are from different casts seeks relationship as a couple. There are many cases where are not allow to get marry out of caste and even their son/daughter get marry against the caste parents don’t attend their marriage. There are many youngster who are sufferings from inter caste problem. They have good career and intelligence but after their education and job they try to get marry their beloved to any different caste then they faces many challenges.
Inter caste problems faced by people
1. Parents are not agree:-
If you love someone from a different caste or religion, then you will have to face many challenges in your life. The first step to come forward towards your marriage is your parents, you probably have a tough task to agree your parents to convince with your choice. Couples faces many family problems with inter caste marriage. If you go ahead and marry without their permission, they may not attend your marriage. For them you are disobedient child who don’t care about parents even they ask you to get out of the house and don’t come back again. In many cases the anger of the parents graduate into emotional blackmail and they creates drama on the name of inter cast marriage. Most of the parents have orthodox thinking and will not let their children marriage against the cast and religion at any cost. They believe that marring out of the caste is against prestige or standing in the social circles. There are many example of these kind of problems.
2. Social norms:-
Society is one of the major problem in inter cast marriage. In ancient time people had orthodox thinking. But in the modern era society still has orthodox views and opinions. In today’s life people of different caste intermix with other caste people with the purpose of education, business professionally because it not be a major matter of any consequences. But when we raises a question of inter caste marriage then society don’t ready to accept it The youth of today’s are quite open minded to the idea of inter cast/ inter religion marriage.
Loss of reputation:- India had an orthodox mindset. They could not imagine inter caste marriage beyond the same caste. According to the people if you will get marry in same community there is no harm of reputation if you get marry against the caste then reputation of the family will lost.
3. Culture difference:- according to the people if you get marry against the caste then couple will not be able to settle down and religiously follow each other culture.
4. Religious issue:- Marriages are made in heaven, this well known by everyone. So how the human beings can divided god’s created world. On the name of religion people are divided into categories. When god created man and women, god not assigned any caste. But in the society religion is complicated issue on the name of inter caste marriage.
Kids issue:- In inter cast marriage parents and relatives believes that children born of out of caste marriage will not be perfect. There are three most elements that is culture, cast, creed which are kept on the high priority list.
Solutions of inter caste marriage
Inter cast marriage is major problem for those want to get marry inter caste. In all over India many people suffering with this problems. They love someone but they cannot get marry because our society divided into categories. These categories create a many boundaries for inter caste marriage but when you are in love on that time you don’t care about caste. Problem creates when you take step for marriage. When you discuss about this relationship in front of your parents they totally deny with this marriage, in this situation you don’t want to lose your love but on the other hand you cannot get marry with your beloved. So this is smooth and easiest platform where you can take any kind of solution. Now here we discuss about some solutions.
If your parents not agree with your inter caste marriage :-
With the help of astrology you can solve inter caste marriage problem. Our astrologer one of the best astrologer who will give you valuable solution about your inter caste marriage. Astrology is very powerful to possess one’s mind and work according to your wish. With the help of astrology you can get marry with your beloved with the permission of your parents. Astrology is one of the best way for inter caste marriage because in present you don’t want to lose your parents love and in other side you don’t want to lose your beloved so both are important for you. Astrology will help you how you can control on the situation in which situation you are suffering now.
Solution for society and for relatives:-
In inter caste marriage society and relatives play a great role. For example if your parents are ready for inter caste marriage but when we talk about society relatives they are also a important part of our life. If you want to get marry with the permission of everyone then you have to concern with the astrologer who is specialize to solving inter caste marriage problems online. Astrology will give you effective results and easy in use then you will see a magical change on your inter caste marriage problems and very soon you see that society as well as relatives will agree on your inter caste marriage.
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